Weekend School & Embrace Relief Iftar Dinner In Uganda

The North California branch of Embrace Relief was established less than a year ago, but the committee has been working steadily to make an impact on both a local and global level. Amongst the past Ramadan’s events and donation efforts, the Embrace Relief team partnered with the BAYCC weekend school; a partnership where funds were raised through bake sales and later transferred over to the Embrace Relief representatives in Uganda. These funds were used to host an Iftar dinner for the rural and low-income villages in the capital city of Uganda -Kampala, hosting over 500 guests for a night’s meal. 

As the representatives and operators of the Embrace Relief North California Branch, the executive team took the initiative to ensure communication between the weekend school and the Embrace Relief post in Uganda. Similarly, the North California Branch carried out posters, banners and marketing, attracting potential donors towards a bigger cause in the holy month of Ramadan. On behalf of the BAYCC Weekend School and Embrace Relief, we thank all those involved in making a successful and heartfelt project for our brothers and sisters in Uganda.