Christ Church, Beth Am, and BAYCC congregation members joined for the six-session Interfaith Bridges Program project from November 2022 to February 2023. The participants met once every two weeks on Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at faith houses. Each session had a topic with a video presentation, discussion, and learning from each other’s faith traditions.
Participants had sanctuary tours, observed prayer practices, and interacted with clergy. Each session served food brought by participants as a potluck. It was a wonderful experience enjoying new dishes and sharing thoughts at the assigned round tables. The project aimed to bring people of three faith traditions together, build lasting friendships, and remove stereotypes. Facilitators from all three institutions did a great job in planning the sessions.
The Building Bridges program is designed and promoted by the Building Bridges Together organization. Dr. Oktay Erbil, a volunteer of BAYCC, is one of the founding members of the establishment. Advocates of interfaith dialogue can approach the organization through their website to receive resources, guidance, and “rules of the road” in organizing the structured program in their communities and organizations.