Welcome to the BAYCC Educational Mentorship Program (BEMP) page.

We’re thrilled to provide financial support to committed full-time students in Northern California who are college-bound high school seniors, ESL students, or attending a United States-accredited college or graduate program.

BEMP is committed to fostering academic excellence and active community involvement, following the principles of the Hizmet Movement. We’re searching for applicants who show a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher and are actively engaged in community service and activities that align with the values of the Hizmet Movement.

Our scholarship program is an excellent opportunity for eligible students—U.S. residents, permanent residents, or eligible non-citizens—to receive financial support to achieve their academic goals while positively impacting their community.

To maintain eligibility for the BEMP scholarship, it is necessary to complete a form that verifies your involvement in community service. This form should be submitted twice a year to the scholarship committee, specifically on December 1st and  April 1st. You must have your youth services coordinator sign the form as well.

Discover more about our application process, necessary documentation, and timeline, and get started on your BEMP application journey.


Who Can Apply?

An applicant must:

  • Be a college bound high school senior, or an ESL student, or a college/graduate student attending a United States accredited educational institution in Northern California*.
  • Be a full-time student. A student is considered as full-time student if he/she takes at least 12 credits-about 4 classes- each semester.
  • Be a permanent resident, or U.S. citizen, or an eligible non-citizen.

Eligibility Requirements:

Academic Merit: 

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in the U.S. for current college students.
  • An entering freshman graduating from high school with a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher in the U.S. 
  • An international entering freshman accepted to an accredited college, graduate program, or an educational institution in the U.S. 

Adherence to Hizmet Movement Principles:

  • BAYCC is an organization inspired by “Hizmet Movement” a faith based social movement focused on using community service to target the elimination of poverty, ignorance, and conflicts.  A fundamental value of the Hizmet Movement is community service by devoting time and energy to supporting the community. 
  • An applicant must demonstrate that he or she is an active volunteer of Hizmet Movement participating in extracurricular activities, including and not limited to mentoring younger students and organizing Hizmet Movement related events.  

How to Apply?

Documents Required. You are required to provide the documents listed below:

  • Resume
  • Most recent Official Transcript or acceptance letter to an accredited educational institution in the U.S.
  • Proof of identification
  • I-20 Form
  • 2 Current and Updated Recommendation Letters
  • An essay that answers the following questions:

    • 1- What are your career/life goals? What steps are you currently taking to get there?
    • 2- Describe the achievements you are proud of (e.g. any leadership roles, mentorship roles, or other major roles/accomplishments). Extracurricular Activities: Please list and describe the events that you are active in, either at BAYCC or in the community.
    • 3- What would receiving a scholarship from BAYCC mean to you? Why is it important to you?
    • 4- In what ways are you making, or do you hope to make an impact on BAYCC and on the community?

  • Any official document and/or a personal letter demonstrating the need for a financial aid

Fill out and sign the application via following form:

Click to fill the Application form!


As long as the student maintains the eligibility criteria, this scholarship will be awarded for a duration of up to nine (9) months, with monthly installments distributed throughout a single academic year.

Application Deadline: 07/22/2024 ** 

Notification of Results: 08/20/2024


BAYCC Scholarship committee will review the application packages carefully and may ask for an oral interview with an applicant if the committee deems necessary.

Still have any questions? Please email to besp@baycc.org

* Northern California: San Francisco Bay Area (anchored by the cities of San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland), the Greater Sacramento area (anchored by the state capital Sacramento), and the Metropolitan Fresno area (anchored by the city of Fresno).

** The applications made after 08/20/2024 will be reviewed only once a month

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